Monday, December 24, 2007

i am not merry!

my christmas eve is NOT starting out well....

i better get LOTS of extra presents for this.


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Fig I hear ya girlfriend. I got tortured like that yesterday. Who wants or needs to smell springtime fresh in winter, huh? Silly hoomans!

I do hope you get lots of special treats and prezzies. I read over at Petra's that massah in law is going to be sneaking her treats tonight at your par-tay...better stick with the munchkin and get some snackies!!

Lots of licks to you, Massah, Massah in Law and Taddles...Merry/Happy!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Peanut said...

Oh my you poor poor thing. How could they do that to you on christmas eve. You had better get tons of presents

Peanut said...

Oh geez Merry Christmas to all of you.

Stanley said...


Bummer, girl. I hate the spray of the shower head in my face, but on Christmas Eve??? What is Massah thinking? Like Santa Paws is gonna care how you smell (and frankly, I'm sure he prefers us au naturale).

Hope Massah & Massah-in-law make up for it with truckloads of prezzies for you and the Tadpole. Will you get to hang with Petra on Christmas?

Goober love & Christmas smooches to all at casa de Figlet,

Dining Alone said...

what the crap is this nonsense? I would say someone is being put on the naughty list and its NOT you!

Mack said...

Oh that's just not right!
Hope you and your family are having a great Christmas!

Frasier said...

Hi Fig,
Maybe you have to look great for Santa !!!
Merry Christmas

Luckie Girl said...

Oh dog, showers on christmas eve? I hope Massah didn't think those were showers of blessing or something..crap.

Jen and Suki said...

Oh no no, what needs to happen is Massah needs to get in the shower with you and hold you up in the glorious warm rain. I love it and it sometimes I even fall asleep.

But I get it, you are a smart girl - if you fake hating it enough it is sure to get you more pressies!! Plus it's such a good excuse to peepee in the house.

Did it work?

Simba said...

BOL! I know how you feel!! I was given one of those too!!! Grrrrr....don't they know it's COLD outside!! who wants to be wet, AND cold???!!! Stupid humans.

Hope you got lots of pressies to erase the trauma!!!



Lady Kaos said...

A bath on a holiday? Isn't that major illegal? I hope they made up for it in treats and gifts!!!

Ferndoggle said...

Bleh! I am nice & stinky for the holidays this year. As it should be.


Anonymous said...

Dude that's so not cool!!!!

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Ooh, you had to get a BATH on Christmas Eve? Hope things went much better for you after that and that you had a very pawsome Christmas!
Ozzie & Rocky