Tuesday, November 27, 2007

ok, ok...

ok, i need to clarify the growling in the video of me and petra playing in the last post... i like to pretend that i'm an awesomely bad dog and growl really horrifically when we're playing. (petra has not figured out how to do this yet.) here -- i'll show you:

did you hear me? it was a growl-snarl-gargle-noise! acting mean is FUN! and i make even WORSE noises when i play with the hoomans!

i'm also teaching petra the fine art of bitey face. she's catching on pretty well, but this causes motch great concern for the safety of us bostons. please. does this look like a couple of dogs who'd hurt each other?

i guess i'm not really as big and bad and tough as i try to look like...

there, now we can forget i ever admitted to having a soft side. maybe for the next post i can put up a video of me looking out the window and growling angrily at the world. i like to do that all day long.


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Fig, Motch needs to learn that that's the way us BTs play bitey face. I sound like that too.

I'm so happy you and Petra are having such a good time together!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

darnit you ended up with a COOL boston and I ended up with a Doofus?! what did I do to deserve this :(

Peanut said...

Man I would like to play bitey face with you. I don't think Motch has anything to worry about.

Lady Kaos said...

I play growl, too. Mom and Dad know the differene between my play growl and my real growl. My play growl is kinda gargley, too. That picture of you 2 sleeping is so cute!!! I wish I had someone to play bitey face with like you do.

Petra said...

I'm getting more like Fig every day --- especially when I'm left for longer periods of time in my crate. It's so fun to run like crazy and not come when I'm called!

Frasier said...

Hi Fig,
That picture is so precious !!!
If the tails are a waggin',everything is okay!!!

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Fig,
You look really happy to have Petra around. That pikture of both of you together makes me go AWWWWWW... Mom has some stupid ideas about getting a kid sister for me... I'm getting worried!!

Balboa said...

OH MY FIg, YOu are just beautiful. I wish I was there to play with you and Petra, boy she is sooooo lucky to have you as a role model.

Frenchie SNorts

Stanley said...

Hey, Fig!

LOVE LOVE love that last photo of you lookin out the window!

You know, bitey face is a fine art ~ one that most hoomans do not understand. It's the same with my sissy, Stella, and I. The girl gets a little nervous when she hears Stella start to squeak, but I've got it all under control. NO WAY am I going to hurt the sissy.

Glad you've got a playmate! She's so enamored with you!

Goober love,