i got a beautiful present from petra, who wrote a special poem just for ME! can you read it?
it says:
I am glad
not mad
That your birthday is here
not there
Now you are 6
and we are a good mix
Kissy lick,
I love you
P. Pie
isn't that GREAT?! while massah was reading it to me, look who came in behind for a sneak attack on MY gift!
never fear, i scared the little naked chinese man away and then look what i found! it's a stuffie and a tug toy, all in one! and i love it.
but... look what else was in there! a mug full of treats for me (massah says SHE gets to keep the mug, whatever). they're delish!
at this point in the celebration, all heck broke loose. guess who showed up? here is the next part of the story in pictures:
this video is very dark, but you're able to hear how strongly i was defending myself and my posessions.