and of course i have to YELL real loudly at people walking by.
and then they think that closing the blinds will comfort and console me. HA.
i can peek around them!
then they try to get really sneaky....
nope - can't fool me with those silly old blinds!
and then i get in LOTS of trouble....
what are you getting in trouble for? Don't massah and massah in law know that you are just trying to protect them?
What is wrong with the people outside anyway? Why are they wandering by your window. They are up to no good and you are a great protector.
you are just protecting your house, why would you get in trouble?!
I think you look like the tuffest guard dog on the block! You should get a medal.
You are just doing your shouldn't be getting in trouble...silly Massah!!!
Lots of Licks Ruby
I have the same kind of blinds over the big picture window in my living room and I get introuble for moving them over to yell at people, too! Don't they know we are protecting our house? Do they expect us to have xray vision and see through the blinds? Sheesh!
How dare they not respect your willingness to protect them!!!!
AHHHHH if only I lived closer, I could help you protect your family.
Frenchie Kisses for Fig,
Gee, you mean it's wrong to bark at people outside our houses? Heck, don't those people know they are not supposed to walk past or even think about loitering outside my HOUSE?? GRRRRRR...
You can come to see me, Fig, but then I'd want you to play with me (for hours) and you don't always like that.
Oh Fig.... It's you duty to stand guard and protect your family. And it looks like you are doing a really job with it.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Girl, you should see the blinds at my house. They are in sad shape.
But a guard dogs gotta do what a guard dogs gotta do!
Poor Figgy! Don't they know it is your job to look out at the street and yell at the people going by?
Ozzie & Rocky
You, Fig, are a wise and benevolent ruler of the blinds (and all beyond their borders). What's up with the peeps trying to control you?
Nodog as cute as you should have to suffer this way.
Goober love,
hiya Fig,
u should be getting treats for guarding the house!
My beautiful, lovely, gorgeous Fig, I MISSED YOU!!!!!
Oh and I tagged you for a game.
Frenchie Kisses for Fig
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