1. What was I doing 10 years ago?
girl: finishing my first year of college
me: floating impatiently in the heavenly waiting pool, eagerly anticipating my mom morgan's procreative activities with my dad rowdy
2. Five Things on my to-do list today.
girl: create a list of things to do which will never actually get done, drive to my mom's house, scratch little petty pot pie under the chinny-chin-chin, drink some diet coke, watch the cubbies
me: huff and puff until my girl puts me outside, then come back inside, then go outside, then come inside, go outside, come inside....
3. Three snacks I enjoy.
girl: tapoica pudding, sour patch kids, any edible form of sugar
me: american cheese, swiss cheese, cheddar cheese
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire.
girl: buy a house, take the family on vacation, save the rest for retirement. wait, BILLIONaire? gosh - probably pay off everyone's debts (in the family) and then just randomly shop and buy fun presents for everyone until the money ran out.
me: buy a seperate house for IT and then pay security guards thousands upon thousands of dollars to keep him in there
5. Three of my bad habits.
girl: eating when i'm stressed, not proactively fighting for my health, rationalizing anything i want to do
me: licking my paws (only bad because it makes my girl yell, there's of course nothing actually wrong with compulsive licking), yelling (again, only "bad" because it has caused my girl to literally smack my bum when i yell too loudly - call the ASPCA!), giving my toys to petra (because then i want them back)
6. Five places I have lived.
girl: my parents' house, the travelier, a roach-infested apartment, a condo, my current apartment
me: my first house with massah in missouri, motch's house while in transition, the condo where i tore up a WHOLE ROOM FULL of carpet (and got stuck in a canvas chair while attempting to eat my way through it), our loft where IT came into the picture, and in front of our parking lot now, where i have to yell at people all day long
to keep them away
7. Five jobs I have had.
girl: music therapist, addiction counselor, public relations director, business marketing coordinator, admissions financial counselor
me: guard dog, massah-comforter, vacuum cleaner, heating pad, master of annoying behaviors
YOUR TURN! (unless you've already done it) i'm gonna go play....
Fig it was so nice to see your answers. Massah's too. You sure do like cheese.
Hi Fig...
Both Mom and I are real excitered about you liking cheese...yummo!!! We should have a cheese pawty!
Lots of licks, Ruby
that was GREAT! I love love love cheese and I once ate an ENTIRE couch down to the wood. We are so much alike, its so COOL!
Hi Fig!
I learned a lot of really interesting things about you today.
Must be a Boston thing cause I destroyed my mom's sofa in an afternoon when I was a wee pup!
It is nice to know more about you and Massah. Why not just buy IT a big bubble to live in when you get rich. Cheese Rules!
Motch told me what a job you did on that couch. TOO BAD there are no pictures of this destructive work!
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