Saturday, May 24, 2008

my terrible start

so this morning i was prepared to enjoy the nice long holiday, when my girl picks me up and starts walking with me. that's never good. and then i see this:

WHY? what did i do to deserve this?!

but it's finally over and done with and i'm back to guarding the house. however, if i see someone coming to rob us, i don't know if i'll bark quite as loudly and viciously as usual.


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Fig...the horror, the absolute horror!!! I think I heard something about a B-A-T-H for me tomorrow...oh no!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

OH man that sucks

Joe Stains said...

omdog fig, I hope they didnt use that scary brush looking thing on you! I cannot believe they started your weekend in such a horrible way!

Moco said...

What is up with this nonsense? You should only have to get a bath every 6 weeks when you go to Vonnie's. I say let the riff raff into the house.

Mack said...

Oh Poor Figgy! It's just not fair!!

But just think you will be smelling good the rest of the long weekend...

Petra said...

My sympathies to you, girl. You like baths about as much as I do.