i can't believe it's been almost a week since i last told you about my birthday. bad massah! but i need to share the rest of my presents.... firstly, i must explain what happened. massah said she would NOT give me 5 presents for every hour my birthday celebration was delayed. humph. evidently i didn't get a signed agreement out of her stating that fact. so pups - apparently you need to get your hooman to write it down, sign it, and then take it to some kind of important person to get it NOTARIZED if you want them to actually follow through on their promises. she did get me something though. so. moving on....
she took me to petco to pick out whatever i wanted. that was pretty sweet. i did NOT want this, but now that it's on i suppose it's not too bad.

i had picked out a leather studded tough-chica collar... but massah said i had to have some
pink in this one. so i guess camo-pink will do. i'm still not terribly pleased, as you can see by my expression.
note: that is NOT a fat roll on my neck; it was a bad angle for a photograph.
i got a boat-load of treats... the kind that i NEVER get to eat! there are chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter rolls, liver snacks, froot loops, and so many others in that bag that i can't even remember. YUM!

and look at this - it's a wubba-dubba-doo!!! and it's AWESOME!

i HIGHLY recommend it for those who haven't experienced the pleasure. it has a ear-drum shattering pitch to the squeaker inside, and i have yet to destroy the squeaker (after one WEEK - that's unheard of for a boston!).

this is a sight massah sees a lot of these days. (please ignore
IT in the background.)

i also got a big fat bone! (massah got one for the other animal in the house too, so don't feel bad for him) hey, it's not a cow penis, but it's a bone from a cow; that's the best we can hope for in this house.

and finally, this wonderful HUGE bone cookie. i had to work hard for this one, though. there was an enormous plastic bin FULL of these cookies on the bottom shelf (man, i love the marketing in that store). massah kept dragging me away from it because she knows i like to steal and eat things while i'm there and then she has to buy them when we go through the line. so i got smarter this time around. i waited until we were in the checkout line and she was putting all our stuff on the counter. while she was distracted, i pulled the whole entire bin of cookies off the shelf and all over the ground. there was like a billion ka-zillion cookie bones sitting on the floor in front of me! a bunch of people had to come and help her pick them up, but look what i managed to do:
and then of course she had to buy it, which means it's sitting on our counter and i'm waiting for massah to get a little less annoyed at me so i can eat the rest. it was a pretty good birthday.